A truly end to end viability service must adopt the NPPF’s plan-led approach.
While S106 Management have worked extensively in the private sector, our preference would be for more accurate area-wide appraisals combined with proportionate use of practical policies such as late review mechanisms to render site-specific appraisal unnecessary in a majority of cases, as this would improve the planning system from end to end.
Part of the difficulty with a plan-led approach to viability is the high-level nature of area-wide assessments combined with the timescales local plans aim to cover. Often certain development typologies are not considered, broad assumptions are made on a basis which quickly becomes outdated, or studies fail to capture full values or costs rendering them inaccurate.
Local plan assessments must therefore be comprehensive, and most importantly future-proofed.
When underlying local plan viability studies are inaccurate or incomplete, the end results include additional site-specific challenges or Inspector amendments. This has a effect on council resourcing and application timescales which escalates costs.
While this is common, it is not inevitable.
S106 Management bring over a decade’s experience in site-specific viability appraisals to the production of local plan viability studies. Our comprehensive experience, along with an extensive catalogue of site-specific appraisals countrywide, gives us a unique approach. It also means we have a deep understanding of both the limitations of previous local plan viability studies, and the opportunities for new local plans, particularly utilising digital tools. This allows us to provide a more robust evidence base for councils moving forward, and advise on policy improvements.
Our independent, multi-disciplinary team will assess localised values, build costs, land typologies and values, housing land supply and demand, and the impact of proposed planning policy, providing robust, future-proofed local plan and CIL viability studies.
Get in touch with us today to talk about your local plan.
Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.
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