Grey Belt Sites

‘Grey belt’ sites, or previously developed land in the Green Belt, are no longer considered inappropriate for development.

This new classification provides substantial opportunities to landowners and developers, subject to meeting certain criteria.

Sites must comply with new rules in the NPPF 2024 surrounding what constitutes ‘previously developed’, housing supply, sustainability, affordable housing, infrastructure delivery and viability.

S106 Management provide a robust and comprehensive 3-part report which will support your planning submission, ensuring that your site complies with all Grey Belt rules and is optimised for both value and viability. This includes:

1.       Assessment of council land supply and housing delivery (including market and affordable housing need).

2.      Previously Developed Land Sustainability assessment (proving the site is Grey Belt, sustainable and doesn’t cause significant harm to openness).

3.      Grey Belt Affordable Housing & Viability Assessment (assessing maximum and optimum viable market and affordable housing delivery to justify grey belt release).

Call us today to discuss your grey belt site.

High Section 106 costs are avoidable

Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.

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01392 840002
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