Dacorum Affordable Housing Policy

Dacorum adopted their Core Strategy in September 2013, it states that it will “anticipate and manage change in Dacorum”.

Policy CS19 of the Core Strategy sets out the expectations regarding affordable housing in the area, this can be seen below:

As seen above, there are different requirements based on the numbers of dwellings proposed in the development and the location of the development.


For developments providing 10+ units in Hemel Hempstead, the expectation is that 35% will be provided as on-site affordable housing. For developments of 5+ units elsewhere in the Borough where 35% will be expected as on-site AH. For all developments on Rural Housing Sites, 100% of the units are required to be affordable.

Residential developments that are lower than the thresholds identified above will be expected to give a financial contribution in lieu of affordable housing.


The Dacorum Borough Council Affordable Housing SPD (2013) highlights that there will be an obligation to provide some form of affordable housing – whether it be on-site or financial – on developments where there is a net gain of one of more dwellings.


The table below highlights the full expectations across the Borough:

We advise that a site-specific viability assessment is completed on all developments of 1 or more units in Dacorum.


Previous Work in Dacorum


Proposed development = Demolish existing buildings and erect 10 x residential apartments, under croft car parking and associated cycle stores.


Policy Implications/Requirements = Developments of 10+ units in Hemel Hempstead should provide 35% as affordable housing.


Expectation on Affordable Housing = As the proposed development was to erect 10 dwellings, Dacorum expected 35% of these to be affordable, this equates to 3.5 units.


Result = The site was not deemed viable if it were to provide the expected affordable housing; therefore the site was granted planning permission with all units to be sold on the open market.

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