Bristol Affordable Housing Policy

Bristol adopted their Core Strategy back in June 2011, it sets out where they are now, where they would like to be and how they are going to get there.

Policy BCS17 of the Core Strategy sets out the expectations regarding affordable housing in the area, this can be seen below:

Policy BCS17 Affordable housing will be required in residential developments of 15 dwellings or more. The following percentage targets will be sought through negotiation:  40% in North West, Inner West and Inner East Bristol;   30% in all other locations; In residential developments below 15 dwellings an appropriate contribution towards the provision of affordable housing may be sought (either as a financial contribution or as on site provision) in accordance with any relevant policy in the Site Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document. Residential developments should provide a mix of affordable housing units and contribute to the creation of mixed, balanced and inclusive communities. The tenure, size and type of affordable units will reflect identified needs, site suitability and economic viability. All units provided should remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or, if this restriction is lifted, for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative affordable housing provision. Where scheme viability may be affected, developers will be expected to provide full development appraisals to demonstrate an alternative affordable housing provision.

As seen above, there are different requirements based on the location of the proposed development.

For developments providing 15+ dwellings in North West, Inner West and Inner East Bristol, 40% of the total number of units are required to be affordable housing. Likewise developments providing 15+ dwellings in all other locations in Bristol are required to provide 30% affordable housing.

The Bristol Affordable Housing Practice Note (July 2022) sets out the expectations for developments of less than 15 dwellings:

Local Plan - Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (Adopted July 2014) Policy DM3: Affordable Housing Provision: Smaller Sites  Residential developments comprising 10 to 14 dwellings should make an appropriate contribution towards the provision of affordable housing on-site or, where on-site provision cannot be practicably achieved, as an equivalent financial contribution. The following percentage targets will be sought through negotiation:  • 20% in Inner West, Inner East and South Bristol; • 10% in North West, East and North Bristol.  Where units are provided on-site these should remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or, if this restriction is lifted, for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative affordable housing provision.  Where scheme viability may be affected, developers will be expected to provide full development appraisals to demonstrate an alternative affordable housing provision.

Residential developments of 10-14 dwellings will be expected to either make an on-site affordable housing provision if appropriate, or an equivalent financial contribution.

For Inner West, Inner East and South West Bristol, the expectation is 20% and in North West, East and North Bristol, the expectation is 10%. The below map illustrates the relevant requirements:

Map 3: Affordable Housing Percentage Requirements by Strategic Housing Market Assessment Zone for Developments of 10 to 14 units

The policy also allows for financial contributions being sought on developments under 10 units.

Bristol’s Core Strategy is now a decade out of date, therefore we advise that a site-specific viability assessment is completed on all developments of 10 or more dwellings.

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