Bath and North East Somerset Affordable Housing Policy

Bath and North East Somerset adopted their Core Strategy inJuly 2014, it says that the “Core Strategy enables the Council to shape the nature and direction of physical change with Bath and North East Somerset”.

Policy CP9 of the Core Strategy sets out the expectations regarding affordable housing in the area, this can be seen below:

Policy CP9 Affordable housing Large sites Affordable housing will be required as on-site provision in developments of 10 dwellings or 0.5 hectare and above (the lower threshold applies). The following percentage targets will be sought: * 40% in Prime Bath, Bath North and East, Bath Rural Hinterland; * 30% in Bath North and West, Bath South, Keynsham and Saltford, Midsomer Norton, Westfield, Radstock, Peasedown St John, Paulton and Chew Valley.  This is on a grant free basis with the presumption that on site provision is expected.  Small sites  Residential developments on small sites from 5 to 9 dwellings or from 0.25 up to 0.49 hectare (the lower threshold applies) should provide either on site provision or an appropriate financial contribution towards the provision of affordable housing with commuted sum calculations. The target level of affordable housing for these small sites will be 20% for AH area 1 and 15% for AH area 2 half that of large sites, in order to encourage delivery.  In terms of the affordable housing on small sites, the Council will first consider if on site provision is appropriate. In some instances the Council will accept a commuted sum in lieu of on site provision. This should be agreed with housing and planning officers at an early stage.  Viability  For both large and small sites the viability of the proposed development should be taken into account, including:  * Whether grant or other public subsidy is available  * Whether there are exceptional build or other development costs  * The achievement of other planning objectives  * The tenure and size mix of the affordable housing to be provided.  Sub-division and phasing  Where it is proposed to phase development or sub- divide sites, or where only part of a site is subject to a planning application, the Council will take account of the whole of the site when determining whether it falls above or below the thresholds set out above.  Property Size and Mix  Residential developments delivering on-site affordable housing should provide a mix of affordable housing units and contribute to the creation of mixed, balanced and inclusive communities. The size and type of affordable units will be determined by the Council to reflect the identified housing needs and site suitability.  The type and size profile of the affordable housing will be guided by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment and other local housing requirements but the Council will aim for at least 60% of the affordable housing to be family  accommodation including some large 4/5 bed dwellings.  Other  All affordable housing delivered through this policy should remain at an affordable price for future eligible households, in the event of any sales or staircasing affecting affordable housing unit(s) delivered through Policy CP9 then an arrangement will be made to recycle the receipts/subsidy for the provision of new alternative affordable housing located elsewhere within Bath and North East Somerset. Affordable Housing should be integrated within a development and should not be distinguishable from market housing.

As seen above, there are different requirements based on the number of dwellings proposed in a development and also various ways of delivering what is needed.

For developments proving 10+ units (or on sites over 0.5Ha), the expectation is that the affordable housing will be provided on-site. 40% is required in Prime Bath, Bath North and East, Bath Rural and Hinterland, whereas 30% is required in Bath North and West, Bath South, Keynsham and Saltford, Midsomer Norton, Westfield, Radstock, Peasedown St John, Paulton and Chew Valley.

For developments providing 5-9 units, the expectation is that the affordable housing will be provided either on-site or as a financial contribution. 20% is required in Area 1, and 15% in Area 2. These areas are the same as that of large sites. The below table outlines the areas in full:

AH Area 1 Prime Bath BA1 2, BA11, BA2 4 40% Bath North and East BA15, BA16, BA2 6, BAI 7, SN14 8 and SN13 8 Bath Rural Hinterland BA19, BA18, BA2 7, BA2 9, BA2 0, BA152 and BS30 6 AH Area 2 Bath North and West BA14 and BAI 3 30% Bath South BA2 3,BA22,BA21,BA25 Keynsham and Saltford BS311, BS312, BS313, BS15 3,BS4 4 and BS148 Midsomer Norton, Westfield, BS39 7, BA3 2, BAS 3, Radstock, Peasedown St John, BA2 8, BA3 4andBA35 Paulton Chew Valley BS40 6, BS40 8, BS39 4, BS39 5, BS39 6 and BS14 0

Any non-policy compliant provision must be justified by a viability assessment. A commuted sum calculation will be required and should be verified on smaller sites.

Given current high build costs and stalling sales values, we advise that a site-specific viability assessment is completed on all developments of 5+ dwellings in Bath and North East Somerset.

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