
Amount sought
4 affordable houses
Amount AchiEved
No contribution
Indicative saving

S106 Management acted for the applicant in providing viability reporting, negotiation and appeal statements of case and supporting evidence on this brownfield development of 12 units. This appeal resulted in a reduction in contribution required from 4 to 0 units, saving c.£500,000, the appeal allowed. Appeal ref. APP/Q5300/W/15/3132576.

Contact us today to discuss your s106 affordable housing viability needs.

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Cotswold Barns

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Amount sought
Amount AchiEved
Indicative saving

Wokingham 2

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Amount sought
Amount AchiEved
£100,000 + Review Mechanism
Indicative saving

Torridge 2

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Amount sought
£2.1m in S106 Contributions and 60 On-site Affordable Units.
Amount AchiEved
c.£1.2m in S106 Contributions and zero affordable housing units.
Indicative saving
High Section 106 costs are avoidable

Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.

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01392 840002
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